How To Use Your Norwex Basic Pack

It was so amazing!  This woman cleaned off crusty dog slobber so quickly and the sliding glass door looked gorgeous!  So of course I bought the Norwex cloths, and my order just arrived and…  how do I use them again??

Before and After - cleaning with Norwex Enviro and Window Cloths and just water!
(No, we didn’t make the dog disappear.)

Don’t leave your Norwex power tools (cloths) sitting in the box on your counter because you can’t remember how to use them!

Here are step-by-step instructions for how to use and how to clean Norwex cloths:

1.  Start with the Enviro cloth (check the tag in the corner for which cloth is which). Wet it thouroughly, then wring it out.

2.  Fold the Enviro cloth in half, then in half again, so it’s a square.  Hold it flat in your hand, so all those millions of tiny fibers can grab all the gunk off your surface.

3.  Find the dirtiest spot in your kitchen and scrub it clean using just the Enviro cloth and water!  Try your stove hood, or on top of the refrigerator, or the wall beside your stove.  When one side is dirty, refold the cloth another way so you have a clean square.

4.  When you’ve used all the clean surfaces of your cloth, or when you finish the job, take it to the sink and under running water, scrub the cloth against itself.  If it’s really greasy and dirty, you can use just a little dab of dish soap to help release the grease.  Rinse well and wring it out.

5.  Now take both cloths into a bathroom that needs to be cleaned.  Start with the mirror – clean with the damp Enviro cloth first to get rid of all the toothpaste and hairspray.  (Isn’t cleaning mechanically amazing! No cleaning solution needed!) Then wipe with the dry Polish/Window cloth.  Doesn’t it look gorgeous?

6.  Do the same thing to your faucet – damp Enviro first, then wipe with the dry Window cloth.  Wow!  You’re an AMAZING housekeeper!!!

7.  Wipe the rest of the countertop and sink with the damp Enviro cloth.  Wasn’t that easy?  And truly, that surface is probably cleaner than it’s ever been, with no chemical residue left behind!

8.  Scrub out the Enviro cloth again under running water, wring it out, and hang it up to dry until you need to use it again.  The BacLock silver agent is self-purifying the cloth as it dries!

9.  Sit down and be amazed by how easily and effectively you can clean now!

10.  Once a week, or more often if heavily soiled, wash your cloths in your machine in hot water with three simple rules:

  • no bleach

  • no fabric softener

  • low lint (wash with sheets or jeans, NOT with cotton towels)

Use a laundry detergent without fillers or fragrance.  Check out the Norwex laundry detergent options!

SO EASY! Norwex cloths have a two year warranty, so you will save so much money not having to go down that cleaning aisle in the grocery store again!