Louisa’s Story
Growing up, I was known as the “worrier” in my family, which was probably just one facet of being a natural mother-hen. I have clear memories of teaching math facts to neighborhood kids using sidewalk chalk. School came relatively easily to me - I enjoyed being consumed by orchestra, choir, math competitions, debate and speech, and friends. In 7th grade I decided I was going to be a math teacher. Spoiler alert: other than student teaching, I never ended up there. I took a detour in college to focus on violin performance, which led me to 19 years as a part-time professional musician, and 5 years married to my violin professor. Another spoiler alert: that last part didn’t end well.
I didn’t have an intense enough interest in music to want it to be a full-time career, so living in one of the largest insurance hubs in the world, I found a job setting up 401(k) plans. My predisposition toward mentoring others quickly led to me becoming a trainer. I went to graduate school to get back on track toward the math teacher thing, but ended up continuing to use that knowledge in a corporate setting. Since humans are the largest budget item in any corporation, I was fascinated by the science of human potential.
My first marriage ended painfully. But that sent me toward the counseling and self-study that opened my eyes to my own worth. The confidence to be fully ourselves is a life-long journey, isn’t it? A year later I reconnected with a friend and former colleague who loved me just the way I was. (Yes, he still does.) Our marriage came with the added benefit of instant motherhood as I became stepmom to a 17-year-old. So I started parenting with college visits, senior prom, and graduation. Then a few years later we went back and started over with the pregnancy part.
Being a mom is my most natural role. I spent maternity leave eating, sleeping, and nursing, allowing myself not to think about too much else. As the time neared for me to go back to work part-time, my employer started getting cold feet about the job-share I had arranged, and I was actually relieved, because I didn’t want to leave my little one even a few days a week. The budget math didn’t really add up for me to stay home, but we decided we’d figure it out as we went.
As much as I loved putting my heart and soul into my baby, I quickly figured out that I needed to use the adult-centered part of my brain, too. I took over an online store specializing in natural baby products and spent the next six years learning all facets of owning a business while helping moms troubleshoot washing cloth diapers in different types of machines and with different water quality. There were days I felt I was failing at everything. While working on my business I felt guilty that I wasn’t giving the kids my full attention. And while focusing on my kids I felt stressed that I was getting behind in my business. (For the record, “maternity leave” the second time around - the 36 hours I gave myself off from my business - wasn’t quite as carefree as the first time.) But I was incredibly grateful to be home full time, and to bring in income without having a boss! And then it got even better.
I never imagined I would find a career in direct sales. I didn’t understand or trust the industry. But when I found a product that changed my life, I knew it would be selfish not to share it with other moms. You can read that story here. And as I built that business I realized it was no different than what I had been doing with my online store, but it came with the added opportunity to mentor others in reaching for their dreams. And that’s my sweet spot. Plus I got to continue making my kids my first priority, seeing their personalities and dreams emerge. My daughter fell in love with circus performing, so of course when The Greatest Showman came out, we went to see it. And that’s where my first book picks up the story…
Now I get paid to teach people how to believe in themselves, which is pretty much my dream job! The Joy Revolution combines my study of brain science and human potential with my decade of proven success mentoring other entrepreneurs. I’m delighted to have you along for the ride!