The Joy Revolution Book
It’s time to untangle the knot of ‘shoulds’ in your head! Life becomes so much easier and more joyful when you learn how to use your autopilot brain to your advantage. This book will show you how!
The Joy Revolution is NOT about pretending life is always joyful or trying to make everything perfect. It’s about using joy as a guide to be more YOU.
The Power of Joy
Coaches agree that clear goals are important, and that believing in yourself is key. But HOW do you believe in yourself if you don't start out that way? Some leaders say to follow your heart, some say to not let your emotions control you. When your head and your heart are working together, emotions become your superpower!
Are you ready to untangle the knot of 'shoulds' so you can be who you were born to be? Learn what your emotions tell you about where your autopilot brain is pointing. Move beyond willpower and grit, and learn true resilience: how to refuel and reprogram your brain so you can achieve great things joyfully!
Louisa takes you step by step through the process. And she makes learning pleasurable by using the life (so far) of Hugh Jackman as a stellar example of how it all works. Change the world and have a blast doing it!
Who ‘should’ read this book?
We have an epidemic of mom guilt.
You should read to your infant at least 20 minutes a day. You should cook locally-sourced, in-season meals. And your kids should magically eat them. You should provide exposure to the arts and plenty of outdoor free play. But your kids should never be out of your sight. You should do weekly date nights. You should “lean in” at your job. You should run the PTA’s fundraiser. Oh, and you should always take time for yourself so you can remain calm and positive through it all.
Yowza! Anyone else tired of all the shoulds? I have good news; this is the book that helps you untangle the knot of shoulds in your head. Because all of us have a few things on the list above that we are good at and love to do, but we don’t all need to do it all!
Everyone has different natural strengths. When we push ourselves to do things we hate or aren’t good at or don’t really care about, we get frustrated and wonder why we constantly feel like we’re failing When we each do what we’re best at — what comes most naturally to us — we accomplish way more, we ENJOY life way more, and that gives us the confidence to try new things and expand what we’re good at! AND the world thrives because of our joy!
In fact, I propose abolishing the phrase “guilty pleasure.” Pleasure is a strong motivator. Pleasure is your superpower.
The wonderful Dr. Joe Vitale with the Joy Revolution book
You may be thinking, “Girl, that’s crazy talk! If I only did things that brought me joy, my life would be a disaster!” That’s because you don’t yet know how to use your autopilot brain to your advantage. This book will show you how.
By the way, this doesn’t only apply to moms. If you’re a grandpa, a business owner, a teenager, a new retiree, an elected official, a teacher, or anyone else who’s feeling the weight of a lot of shoulds, this book is for you, too.
This is the story of how going with the flow of my fascination with Hugh Jackman, spending hours and hours watching interviews with him just because I was enjoying it so much, led to understanding brain science and emotions in a new way, which led to big improvements in my business, my marriage, and my health. And that led to me deciding to put it all together into an easy guide for you to join me in living what I call the Joy Revolution!
And you get to learn a lot about Hugh in the process. You what his least favorite word is? Should.
Does that sound FUN to you? If so, this book is for YOU!
And you know what? You even get to decide HOW you read it. If you picked it up primarily to learn more about Hugh Jackman, you can skip right to Part II, I won’t tell. Or if you want to jump right in with living the Joy Revolution yourself, you can start with Part I to get the basics, then skip to Part III to get some specific ideas. You can always come back and read about Hugh when you’re in the mood. (See? No shoulds here!)
Now take a deep breath… and come with me on a joyful journey!
What readers are saying:
“Ok, I'm in Chap 3 of your book and all I can say is wow wow wow! This is so speaking to me!!! I love your train analogy. Seeing it in writing really helped it to click in my brain. I have big wants... lots of wants... and I can now see where it was the Belief Train that has held me back in the past. … I’m grateful for the validation in your chapter to listen to my gut and instead of feeling guilted into doing the opposite, I instead do what it says. It’s a much more natural feeling and a much better feeling. I feel like I have peace for the first time.” — Kat, mom and entrepreneur
“I clearly need to put on my oxygen mask. I just wanted to let you know that your advice REALLY REALLY REALLY helped me and I've only just begun!!” — Tamara, mom and entrepreneur
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Book Endorsements:
“You tackle huge life lessons with humour and compassion, simplifying some of the complexities of life. The book is both honest and timely.” — Sonia Garrett, author of the Maddie Series
“I’ve yet to meet actor Hugh Jackman but he seems to be a beacon of love. He radiates light. This new book is about him and his wife and their joy in what they do. We should all express such bliss.” — Dr. Joe Vitale, author of Zero Limits and many other books
Go ahead… do something just for YOU!
Also available locally in Des Moines, Iowa at CityView Magazine’s best local book store, Beaverdale Books!
Beaverdale Books: 2629 Beaver Ave # S1, Des Moines, IA 50310